
Conte 'can't wait' to work with Biden

Premier says ready to face 'great challenges' side by side

Conte 'can't wait' to work with Biden

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 9 - Premier Giuseppe Conte has said he "cannot wait" to work with United States President-elect Joe Biden.
    "I express my profound congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris," Conte told ANSA via telephone.
    "We can't wait to work side by side on the great challenges of our time".
    Conte also congratulated Biden via Twitter after the election was called in his favour at the weekend.
    "Congratulations to the American people and institutions for an outstanding turnout of democratic vitality," Conte tweeted..
    "We are ready to work with the President-elect @JoeBiden to make the transatlantic relationship stronger. "The US can count on Italy as a solid Ally and a strategic partner".
    Italian President Sergio Mattarella has also congratulated Biden. (ANSA).

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