
'Old' Mattarella looks forward to rest in 8 months

President's seven-year term ends next year

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 19 - President Sergio Mattarella told pupils at a Rome primary school on Wednesday that he was looking forward to getting some rest when his seven-year term as head of State ends next year.
    "I was worried (when I was elected president) because I knew how tough the job was," the 79-year-old president said.
    "But two things helped me. I have excellent collaborators and, above all, there is the fact that, on the basis of the Constitution in Italy, there is not one single body that decides, the decisions are distributed among many bodies.
    "The president must know them all, follow them all, in order to be able to intervene with suggestions.
    "But in eight months' time my term as president ends.
    "I am old and in a few months I will be able to rest". (ANSA).

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