
Prosecutors make request for 'seriously ill' Berlusconi

Petition for ex.premier's case to be separated from others

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 19 - Milan prosecutors on Wednesday requested that Silvio Berlusconi's case in the so-called Ruby Ter trial be separated from those of other defendants because the ex-premier is "seriously ill".
    The 84-year-old media billionaire has been in and out of hospital in recent months after suffering a bad case of COVID-19 last year.
    Berlusconi is accused of bribing witnesses to lie about his alleged "bunga bunga" sex parties at his home.
    He is among the 29 defendants, including several young women he allegedly bribed to say the parties were innocent affairs.
    "We believe that Berlusconi is seriously ill and affected by a severe pathology," said Prosecutor Tiziana Siciliano.
    "The medical certificates and the consultants say this".
    Berlusconi's defence team backed the request, saying the ex-premier needed a period of "absolute rest" with the creation of a "domestic-hospital" structure at his home at Arcore, near Milan. (ANSA).

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