
Draghi warns M5S over defence spending

NATO commitments must be respected premier tells Conte

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 30 - Premier Mario Draghi is set to press ahead with his plan to raise Italy's defence spending to 2% of GDP, in line with its NATO commitments, despite the opposition of the 5-Star Movement (M5S), sources said after he had talks with M5S leader Giuseppe Conte and President Sergio Mattarella on Tuesday.
    Draghi told ex-premier Conte that the country's international commitments could not be thrown into doubt at "such a delicate time" following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, adding that, if this were to happen, the pact that holds together the broad coalition of his national unity government would disintegrate, the sources said.
    After meeting Conte, Draghi had talks with Mattarella, who backed the premier's position, sources said.
    "I haven't caused a crisis of government," Conte told La7 television.
    "All I say is that, if we have to plan military spending, a party of the ruling majority can have a say about the time frame".
    On Thursday the Senate is set to vote on the government's decree with measures linked to the effects of the Ukraine war and a motion by the opposition Brothers of Italy (FdI) party about taking defence spending up to the 2% threshold. (ANSA).

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