
Ukraine: Italy has expelled 30 Russian diplomats - Di Maio

Foreign minister cites 'national security' reasons

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 5 - Italy has expelled 30 Russian diplomats "for reasons of national security", Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said in Berlin on Tuesday.
    "On my instruction, Ambassador Ettore Sequi, the Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry, this morning summoned the Russian Federation's Ambassador to Italy Sergey Razov to the foreign ministry to notify him of the Italian government's decision to expel 30 Russian diplomats in service at the embassy as they are 'personae non gratae'," Di Maio said.
    "This decision, taken in agreement with the other European and Atlantic partners, was made necessary by reasons linked to our national security within the context of the current crisis situation caused by the unjustified attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation". (ANSA).

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