
Events in Iran unacceptable repeats Tajani

Death penalty a red line for us says Italy FM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 3 - The bloody repression by the Iran regime of Iranian protests after the mid-September death in hijab police patrol custody of 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Amini is unacceptable, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani reiterated Tuesday.
    "We have asked Iran to stop the executions and open a dialogue with the protesters because what has been happening for us is unacceptable", he said the Rai Uno programme 'Today is another day', responding on the recent summons of the Iranian ambassador to Rome.
    "The death penalty is a red line that we cannot tolerate, (although) we can however for example dialogue on the nuclear power (programme),' he added.
    Tehran authorities have stepped up executions of protesters and there have been reports of girls as young as 14 being raped and killed by police.
    The repression has brought widespread international condemnation. (ANSA).

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