
Nordio vows to ease jail overcrowding

In response to CoE report on 'violence'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 24 - Justice Minister Carlo Nordio on Friday vowed to ease prison overcrowding in Italy after the Council of Europe's anti-torture committee said Friday Italy's prisons are "violent" and "overcrowded" following a periodic visit carried out in March/April 2022.
    "It is true that our prisons are overcrowded, we have extensive projects to reduce this critical situation," said the minister.
    "A long-term project concerns the divestment of old prisons, such as Regina Coeli (in Rome), which can be sold on the market, providing for the construction of new houses, but also a long-term project, a more ambitious and defined solution, to use a series of buildings, starting with disused (Carabinieri police) barracks, that have a structure compatible with prison (detention)". (ANSA).

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