
Those who vandalise art must pay says minister

Vandals must take responsibility for their actions - Sangiuliano

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 11 - The eco-warriors who de face Italy's cultural heritage must assume responsibility and pay for their actions, facing the fines set out in a new government bill, Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano said after the government approved a crackdown on their activities Tuesday.
    "Attacks on monuments and artistic sites cause economic damage to the community. Cleaning up requires the intervention of highly specialised personnel and the use of very expensive machinery. Those who carry out these acts must also assume financial responsibility" said Sangiuliano, on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting that approved the bill he had proposed entitled 'Sanctioning provisions on the destruction, dispersal, deterioration, disfigurement, defacement and illegal use of cultural or landscape heritage." (ANSA).

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