
Abuse of office 'evanescent crime that complicates' - Nordio

'Unnecessary waste of energy' says minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 17 - Abuse of office is such an evanescent crime that it only serves to complicate investigations and slow them down, Justice Minister Carlo Nordio said on Saturday.
    "Abuse of office was, and still is, such an evanescent offence that it only complicates things without helping in the slightest," said Nordio, speaking in Taormina.
    On the contrary, he said the crime merely "obstructing investigations because it clogs up public prosecutor's offices with useless files, using up energy that should instead be directed towards offences requiring greater attention," he added. Nordio is set to present a bill reforming aspects of Italy's legal system to Premier Giorgia Meloni's cabinet that includes, among other things, the abolition of the crime of abuse of office on grounds it is too vague and discourages local politicians and civil servants from signing off on projects due to fears they will end up under investigation, thus causing "economic damage that affects citizens".
    Other measures set out in the bill reportedly include a clampdown on the publication of information obtained from wiretaps and limitations to the scope of the crime of influence peddling and to the ability of prosecutors to appeal against acquittals for less serious crimes. (ANSA).

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