(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 20 - Former Lazio Governor and ex centre
left Democratic Party (PD) leader Nicola Zingaretti said on
General Roberto Vannacci, sacked after he published a book
slamming minorities including gays and Jews, that Italy
respected the right to freedom of expressing ideas except those
that would deny other people the right to exist.
"It's true, in a democracy all ideas have citizenship rights,
except for those that, if they were upheld, would deny other
ides or people the right to exist," said the PD MP.
"We've already been there. Enough already".
photo: Zingaretti with PD leader Elly Schlein (ANSA).
Vannacci: Denying right to exist is not freedom - Zingaretti
We've already been there, enough already says ex PD chief