
Migrants: Italy under 'unsustainable pressure' says Meloni

Premier invites von der Leyen to Lampedusa, new measures coming

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 16 - Italy is under "unsustainable pressure" due to the large number of migrant boats arriving from North Africa on the island of Lampedusa and the government will pass extraordinary measures to deal with the emergency at a cabinet meeting on Monday, Premier Giorgia Meloni said in a video message on Friday.
    She said she had invited European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to go to Lampedusa, Italy's southernmost tip, as see the situation for herself.
    She also said she had written to European Council President Charles Michel asking for the issue of migrants to be on the agenda of the October EU summit, adding that she would request a European mission to stop migrant boats departing.
    She said the length of time people can be kept at CRP centres for those who entered Italy illegally and are waiting repatriation will be extended to up to 18 months as part of the new measures.
    She said the maximum time that asylum seekers can be kept at reception centres will remain at 12 months.
    Meloni also announced that the defence ministry would set up new reception centres for migrants. (ANSA).

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