
Two conditions for 18-month detention in pre-removal centres

Lack of cooperation and delays in obtaining documents

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 20 - The two conditions for extending to 18 months the maximum length of time irregular migrants and failed asylum seekers can be detained in pre-removal centres (CPR) under new rules are lack of cooperation on the part of the person due to be repatriated and delays in obtaining the necessary documentation from third countries, according to the text of the decree published in the Official Gazzette on Wednesday.
    Stays in CPR can be extended to a maximum of to 18 months if, "despite all reasonable efforts, the removal operation has lasted longer due to the foreigner's lack of cooperation or delays in obtaining the necessary documentation from third countries," reads the decree also containing measures in support of southern Italian regions.
    On Monday the government of Premier Giorgia Meloni introduced the change as part of efforts to counter irregular immigration to Italy.
    It also announced plans to establish more pre-removal centres, drawing opposition from local and regional authorities on both sides of the political spectrum. (ANSA).

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