
Meloni's party attacks judge in migrant-decree ruling

FdI says magistrate is supporter of pro-migrant NGOs

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, OCT 2 - Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party on Monday attacked the Catania judge who at the weekend released a migrant from detention on the grounds that a recent government decree was 'illegitimate', saying the magistrate was not impartial.
    FdI's immigration chief Sara Kelany said that it was "extremely serious" that the judge "expressed convictions on social media against (Transport Minister and former interior minister Matteo) Salvini and in favour of the pro-immigration policies of the (sea search-and-rescue) NGOs".
    Kelany said this went again the Constitutional requirement of impartiality and said the party was considering taking action to see whether "the limits set by the Constitution have been breached".
    Magistrates' union ANM blasted FdI's accusations.
    Alessandro Rizzo, the president of the ANM's Catania section, expressed "firm and rigorous" support of the judge in question, Iolanda Apostolico.
    Rizzo said Apostolico was a "decent person who has worked in compliance with the law", adding that the ANM "rejects with indignation the accusations levelled against her.
    "The relationship between the executive and the judiciary should be very different," Rizzo added. (ANSA).

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