
Risk of 'fighters' arriving with migrants - Crosetto

Checks must be increased even more says minister

Redazione Ansa

(see related stories on Crosetto) (ANSA) - ROME, OCT 14 - Defence Minister Guido Crosetto on Saturday warned of the risk of Islamist fighters arriving in Italy with migrants from North Africa after the outbreak of war between Hamas and Israel.
    "It now becomes essential to defend the country's security and I am convinced that this need will increase in the coming months, both because a new explosion of fundamentalism is possible and because these kind of phenomena increase the risk of immigration," Crosetto said in Cephalonia on the sidelines of a ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of Massacre of the Acqui Division on the Greek island during World War II.
    "At the moment, there is a risk not only of immigration driven by poverty, but also of the arrival of people intent on doing harm.
    "So checks must be increased even more because we cannot afford to let in people who come to fight us". (ANSA).

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