
Milan to ban cars from centre by middle of 2024 - Sala

We must be pioneers of the ecological transition says mayor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 19 - Milan is set to banish cars from its city centre by the middle of next year, Mayor Giuseppe Sala said on Thursday.
    "It is clear that the (ecological) transition requires work, and obviously we need to think about those in difficulty when making decisions," Sala said on the sidelines of the 'Il Verde e il Blu Festival' in the city.
    "But trying to change things is not for the elite, for the radical chic, it is for everyone.
    "In Milan we must be pioneers and have the courage and common sense to do things.
    "We want to close the center of Milan to private traffic by the first half of 2024. ""We'll start with the centre, but then we we will expand". (ANSA).

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