
Govt appeals Catania migrant rulings

State attorneys filed separate appeals to high court

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 23 - Italian State attorneys have appealed to the supreme Court of Cassation against several rulings by a court in Catania which failed to uphold the detention of migrants after finding that a government migrant decree was illegitimate, the premier's office at palazzo Chicgi said Monday.
    Two of the rulings were made by a judge, Iolanda Apostolico, who has been accused of bias because she attended a rally at the port in 2018 calling for migrants held at sea by then interior minister Matteo Salvini's closed ports policy to be allowed to land.
    Salvini, who is now deputy premier and transport minister, posted a still of the video on social media.
    Magistrates union ANM has accused the government of trying to intimidate judges with its criticism of Apostolico.
    Other judges, both in Catania and elsewhere, have made rulings similar to Apsotolico's. (ANSA).

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