
Prank call was Kremlin propaganda says Meloni

Sorry that some in Italy act as sounding boards says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 3 - A prank call to Premier Giorgia Meloni by two Russian comics posing as an African leader was "Kremlin propaganda", the premier said Friday.
    "The phone call was first of all relayed by programmes organic to Kremlin propaganda and this should make those who are acting as megaphones for these comedians think again, who said they had no ties to the Kremlin," said Meloni at a press conference on government reforms.
    Meloni recalled that she has already said that in Italy there are those who, in order to attack her, are willing to attack Italy as a result, and observed: "It is obvious that if things were like this, that is, that we were the objects of disinformation because of the positions we have at an international level and that there are those in Italy who lend themselves to being a sounding board for them on purpose, I would be sorry".
    During the September call, recorded when Meloni was at the UN, she references Ukraine war fatigue and the need to find a way out of the conflict soon, apparently contradicting her public stance backing Kyiv's territorial integrity and refusal to negotiate. (ANSA).

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