
Security bill improves quality of work - Piantedosi

'Important package' to be examined by cabinet on Thursday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 16 - The bill on defence, security and public rescue that the government is set to examine during a cabinet meeting later on Thursday "significantly improves the quality of work of those who are engaged in protecting the security of citizens on a daily basis", Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi has said.
    "The government has prepared an important package of regulations, concrete measures that are all oriented towards and aimed at enhancing the role of those working in the security, defence and public rescue sectors," said Piantedosi.
    In addition, the minister said collective bargaining is to resume in relation to contract renewal for police and defence managerial staff.
    The bill also "takes further steps forward in the implementation of supplementary pensions", allocates funds "to give concrete recognition to the 'specificity' of the sector" and provides for "corrections" to the reorganisation of the fire brigade in order to "enhance its functions and tasks in order to increase its operational capacity", continued Piantedosi. (ANSA).

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