
EU at 'critical moment', it must become a State says Draghi

Ex-premier and former ECB chief admits to being concerned

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 29 - Ex-premier and former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi on Wednesday admitted to feeling "concern" about Europe's future, saying that the EU was at a "critical moment". "Let's hope that the founding values that put us together, keep us together," Draghi said at the presentation of a new book by Italian journalist Aldo Cazzullo.
    "The (previous) growth model has dissolved and we need to reinvent a way of growing, but we need to become a State to to do this.
    "The European market is too small, there are many markets and, therefore, the small businesses that start in Europe either sell up or go to the United States as soon as they grow.
    "The most important thing now is to figure out how to set up European funds to finance defence and the fight against climate change.
    "Then we need a coordinated foreign policy, because the foreign ministers see each other, but do not agree.
    "We need to think about greater political integration, about a real Parliament of Europe, to start thinking that we are (both) Italian and European". (ANSA).

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