
Left-wing magistrates faction says unjustified govt attack

We reject claims of cultivating 'conspiratorial aims' says MD

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 2 - Left-wing magistrates faction Magistratura Democratica (Democratic Magistrature, MD) on Saturday said it had come under "unjustified" attack from the government which allegedly accused it of plotting against right-wing Premier Giorgia Meloni's executive.
    "In recent days, Magistratura democratica has come under serious attack from leading members of the government and the media", MD said in a statement.
    "It has been accused of having cultivated 'conspiratorial aims' and of wanting to play a role of 'judicial opposition'.
    "MD firmly rejects such accusations".
    It said "the political-media aggression that has hit us therefore has no justification, but would like to force us to account for a freedom, that of associating and assembling, provided for by the Constitution". (ANSA).

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