
We want an EU with fewer taxes and more security - Salvini

Changing Europe is possible, must be done - League leader

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 4 - A different Europe with fewer taxes and obligations and greater security for citizens is possible and must be achieved, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister and leader of the right-wing League party Matteo Salvini said in a social video posted on the sidelines of the EU Transport Council in Brussels on Monday.
    "I am here today in Brussels as a minister to avoid a new European tax, this time on Italian ports," said Salvini referring to the extension of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to the maritime sector.
    "This is the Europe we do not like. The one of the car tax, of Chinese electric cars for everyone, of the housing tax that would cost Italian families up to 50,000 euro," he continued.
    "The League and its allies want a different Europe: fewer taxes and obligations and more security, protection of borders, health and employment for European citizens," said Salvini.
    "Changing Europe is possible, indeed it must be done," he concluded.
    On Sunday Salvini told a rally of the right-wing Identity and Democracy (ID) European caucus members in Florence that the centre-right needs to remain united in order to boot out "squatters" at next year's European Parliament elections.
    "The centre-right in Europe can only bring about a revolution if it is united, not a small Italian political polemic," Salvini said at the end of the convention of the 'sovereignists' and allied parties of the League in Europe.
    ID is an alliance of nationalist, right-wing populist and eurosceptic European political parties founded in 2014.
    Deputy Premier and secretary of the centre-right Forza Italia Antonio Tajani has ruled out working with some of its members including the rightist anti-Islam Dutch election winner Geert Wilders. (ANSA).

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