
Love not possession, culture of peace needed says Mattarella

Pres cites AI, migrants,tax evasion, waiting lists in NYE speech

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 31 - Love is neither domination nor possession, President Sergio Mattarella told Italians in his traditional end of year message Sunday commenting on a wave of femicide that has hit Italy in the past year.
    The president called for a culture of peace in Italy and the world citing conflicts in Ukraine and the Mideast while touching on an array of topics including the promise of AI, which must remain human, unacceptably long hospital waiting lists, the impact of rampant tax evasion, and the need not to look away when faced with the issue of migration.
    "I would like to address the younger ones. Dear young people, I tell you in simple words: love is not selfishness, possession, domination, misunderstood pride," he said.
    "Love - the real one - is much more than respect: it is gift, gratuitousness, sensitivity" he said, speaking of "violence, the most hateful violence against women".
    The femicide wave was most recently highlighted by the murder by her possessive ex of 22-year-old student Giulia Cecchettin, adopted by Italy as a symbol of murderous violence against women.
    Peace is not abstract doing goodism but realism, Mattarella went on to say.
    "It is indispensable to make room for the culture of peace. To the mentality of peace," he told Italians on all major channels.
    "Talking about peace today is not abstract doing-goodism.
    "On the contrary, it is the most urgent and concrete exercise of realism, if we want to seek a way out of a crisis that can be devastating for the future of humanity.
    "We know that, in order to put an end to the current wars, it is not enough to invoke peace. It must be pursued by the will of governments. First of all, of those that have triggered the conflicts".
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a revolution but it should remain as far as possible human, Mattarella said.
    "Now, with artificial intelligence feeding itself, it is generating unstoppable progress," he said on live TV across all channels.
    "Destined to profoundly change our professional, social, relational habits.
    "We are in the midst of what will be remembered as the great historical leap at the beginning of the third millennium. "We must ensure that the revolution we are experiencing remains human.
    "That is, inscribed within that tradition of civilisation that sees in the person - and in his dignity - the inalienable pillar".
    There are unacceptably long waiting lists in the national health service, the NHS, Mattarella went on to say.
    Among the problems faced by citizens and families, he said, are "the difficulties encountered in the right to health care for all.
    "With unacceptably long waiting lists for visits and examinations".
    Rampant tax evasion hinders Italy's development, Mattarella added.
    Doing one's part for the country "means contributing, also fiscally.
    "Evasion reduces, to a great extent, the resources for the common social security.
    "And it delays the removal of the public debt; which hinders our development.
    "Contributing to the life and progress of the Republic, of the Fatherland, can only arouse pride in Italians," he said.
    Affirming rights also means "not looking the other way when faced with migrants", the head of State stressed.
    He ended his 16 minute speech by telling his vast audience that to Italians Sunday that if they were united they would be strong.
    "Solidarity, freedom, equality, justice, peace" are "the values that the Constitution sets as the basis of our coexistence. And which belong to the very identity of Italy. These values - during the year that is coming to an end - I have seen them witnessed by so many of our fellow citizens", he said.
    "United we are strong." (ANSA).

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