
FdI says 'light years away' from Fascist salutes

We don't take part in that kind of demo says Rampelli

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 8 - Premier Giorgia Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party said Monday it was "light years away" from the far-right militants who made Fascist salutes on the 46th anniversary Sunday of a far-left militant attack in Rome on January 7, 1978 that led to the deaths of three youth members of the neoFascist Italian Social Movement (MSI), a precursor of FdI.
    Depity House Speaker and FdI heavyweight Fabio Rampelli stressed that the party had not taken part in the ceremony where hundreds of militants made the salutes and had instead organised two alternative ceremonies marking the deaths outside the then MSI HQ in a street called Acca Larentia, after a Roman fertility goddess.
    "The FdI has nothing to do with it, we don't take part in that type of demonstrration", he said. (ANSA).

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