
DIGOS sends report to prosecutors on Acca Larentia case

Some participants in fascist salute episode already identified

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 9 - The DIGOS special security and political police branch have submitted an initial report to prosecutors on the Fascist salutes made by hundreds of far right militants at a ceremony Sunday marking the 46th anniversary of the deaths of three far-right youth militants allegedly by far left militants at a street in Rome called Acca Larentia after a Roman goddess outside the headquarters of the former headquarters of the neoFascist Italian Social Movement (MSI), sources said on Tuesday.
    Investigating officers have reportedly already identified some participants in the episode.
    The DIGOS is said to be using video surveillance footage to reconstruct what happened during the event where the salutes were made.
    The event was attended by hundreds of people, but not by Premier Giorgia Meloni's Bothers of Italy (FdI), an heir to the MSI, which had organised two alternative events, according to the party itself.
    Earlier Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi told a hearing of the Senate's Extraordinary Commission against intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence in relation to the Acca Larentia that "those who manage public order must ensure that no incidents occur".
    "Who says that the police headquarters is not making identifications and will not submit a report to the judiciary?" said the minister.
    "The police will report to the judiciary and in a democratic state the judiciary makes its assessments concerning the type of liability to emerge from what happened," he added. (ANSA).

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