
Farmers' rep to take stage at Sanremo

In contact with organisers says protest leader

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 5 - A representative of Italian farmers protesting a range of issues will take to the stage of the Sanremo Song Festival this week accepting the invitation of host and organiser Amadeus, one of the leaders of the protest said Monday.
    "One of our representatives will go on stage at Sanremo," said Danilo Calvani, leader of the Committee of Betrayed Farmers, regarding Amadeus' invitation at the pre-festival press conference.
    "We are in contact with the Festival organisation to establish the details," Calvani added.
    Farmers in tractors protesting against national and European policies, cheap imports, high costs and low agricultural prices are making their way to Rome ahead of a demonstration in the capital next week. (ANSA).

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