
Schlein hails approval of PD Gaza ceasefire motion

'Only time will reveal the outcome of call with Meloni'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 13 - Only time will reveal the outcome of the recent telephone conversation with Premier Giorgia Meloni on the conflict in the Middle East, but in the meantime the Lower House has approved a motion presented by the centre-left opposition Democratic Party (Pd) calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, Pd secretary Elly Schlein said on Tuesday.
    "We are not interested in domestic derbies but in contributing as Italy to the end of this conflict and to a stronger initiative of the European Union to reach a peace conference and a political solution," said Schlein.
    "For us, the first step is this ceasefire that we have been calling for for months," she continued.
    Schlien said she had asked Meloni for "a much stronger and more incisive diplomatic and political initiative by the Italian government, in line with Italian diplomatic tradition".
    "We are certainly happy that the abstention did not prevent this crucial point from being passed. I find it positive that today there has been this step forward by the Lower House," she added.

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