
Differentiated autonomy the secession of rights - Todde

'Indecent proposal that weakens Sardinia enormously'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 29 - Government plans to introduce so-called 'differentiated autonomy' between regions are an "indecent proposal" that represents a "secession of rights", Sardinia Governor-elect Alessandra Todde said on Thursday.
    "It is an indecent measure that weakens Sardinia's autonomy so much, because the fact of being able to bargain over what matters to have responsibility for cannot be useful, especially for special-statute regions like mine," Todde, who won a narrow but historic victory for a broad centre-left alliance in Sunday's governorship race, told Agorà on Rai3.
    "Sardinia must close the island gap and be on a par with the other regions," she continued, referring to the economic and social divide between Italy's southern island regions and the rest of the country, especially the richer north.
    "I will fight so that the contribution we have made is also returned to my region," added Todde.
    The 55-year-old Nuoro-born engineer took 45.4% of the vote as the candidate for the so-called 'broad field' alliance between the M5S and the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).
    Her main opponent, the centre-right candidate Paolo Truzzu, polled 45.4% in what was the first major defeat for Premier Giorgia Meloni's coalition since it won the 2022 general election. (ANSA).

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