
March 8: 'Fuchsia Tide' hits Rome with Italy #MeToo movement

Many flags for Palestine, 'we are 30,000' say organisers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 8 - A 'Fuschia Tide' hit Rome on International Women's Day Friday as the Italian version of the anti-abuse #MeToo movement, Non Una Di Meno Not One Less (victim), marched through the Italian capital from the Circus Maxiumus along Via Marmorata and up to Viale Trastevere.
    The feminist procession took place under the motto "if we stop, the world stops".
    Opening the procession was a banner that read: "We strike against patriarchal violence".
    There were also numerous banners and flags for Palestine, saying "We are with you", "Not in our name", and "Stop the genocide".
    Italy's Jewish community has said it has been excluded from the event as it allegedly only recognises Palestinian and not Israeli victims of the Middle East conflict.
    The organisers of the Non Una Di Meno 'general strike' said "there are 30,000 of us" while police put the number of marchers closer to 10,000. (ANSA).

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