
Meloni announces Italian AI law, 1 bn investment fund

Italian rules will be complementary to EU ones says premier

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 12 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Tuesday that the government was preparing its own law to regulate Artificial Intelligence, saying it would be complementary to the EU AI Act, and announced a one-billion-euro investment fund for the sector.
    "The government is preparing a law that aims to establish some principles and set rules that are complementary to the European regulation that is in the process of being approved and identify the most effective measures to stimulate our productive capabilities," Meloni said in a video message to a conference on 'Artificial intelligence for Italy'. "We are also working to identify the most suitable body to act as the competent authority for the use of technologies based on artificial intelligence".
    She said that one-billion-euro investment fund for AI was being created by State lender CDP's Venture Capital unit. (ANSA).

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