(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 19 - Former health minister Roberto
Speranza, who was in charge when Italy was locked down for the
COVID pandemic and who ordered vaccine mandates, said Tuesday he
was still getting "incessant" death threats from anti-vaxxers.
"The death threats and daily insults from splinters of the
no-vax galaxy continue unceasingly," he said in a post published
on Facebook to explain the reasons behind his decision not to
run for the presidency of the Basilicata Region.
"I have read some reconstructions, in my opinion nonsensical,
which always start from an underlying fact that for me is
unacceptable: what did it mean and what are the consequences of
having been Minister of Health during the Covid 19 pandemic",
said the centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) bigwig.
Speranza says still incessant anti-vaxxer death threats
That's why I didn't stand for governor of Basilicata