
Surrogacy is inhuman says Meloni

Premier says she backs bill to make practice a 'universal crime'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 12 - Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday blasted surrogacy and said she was supporting a bill that would make the practice a "universal crime".
    "I continue to believe that surrogacy is an inhuman practice," Meloni told a conference entitled 'For a Young Europe: Demographic Transition, Environment, Future'.
    "I support the bill that makes it a universal crime. I hope it is approved as soon as possible".
    Surrogacy is already illegal in Italy but, by making it a universal crime, the bill, presented by Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, would make it possible to prosecute Italians who resort to using surrogate mothers in countries like Spain and the US where the practice is legal.
    Some Italian gay people have become parents via surrogacy.
    The bill, which is now before the Senate, would punish involvement in surrogacy with fines of up to one million euros ($860,000), as well as two year jail terms.
    Pope Francis has also repeatedly criticized surrogacy and the Vatican said in a new document on human dignity that it wants to see a "universal" ban on the practice. The focus of Friday's conference was on reversing declining birth rates, an issue that Meloni said is an "absolute priority" for her government.
    "The demographic challenge, and the economic sustainability to which it is connected, is one of the main challenges for us," she said.
    "There is no point in managing the present, if the future is not secure.
    "The government has the responsibility to guarantee a future for the nation.
    "The approach with which this government is addressing these issues marks a fundamental change of pace compared to the past.
    "Public spending to support births is good spending, with a very high multiplier effect. It cannot be considered in the same way as other budget expenditure.
    "Public spending aimed at supporting the birth rate is an item that, more than any other, should be considered a productive investment, because it is an investment in the stability of our social system and our civilization".
    (see related story). (ANSA).

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