
Army must adapt to changing world says Crosetto

Meloni attends ceremony for armed force's 163rd anniversary

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - Defence Minister Guido Crosetto stressed the need for the Italian Army to adapt to a changing world as the armed force celebrated its 163rd anniversary with a ceremony in Rome on Friday.
    "The challenge of change is the most difficult one," said Crosetto.
    "The world has changed, the army must adapt.
    "It is difficult to adapt, but this challenge does not only concern the defence (sector), but also parliament and all of the institutions, and industry too.
    "The scenarios, the technology, industry and the way in which industry collaborates with the armed forces have changed.
    "Before there was no rush, now there is no time to wait.
    "The time-frames are not dictated by our habits but by the needs that arise.
    "These are profound changes that affect everyone.
    "We thought that war had disappeared, but over the last two years war has returned to our home" Premier Giorgia Meloni was among the officials attending the ceremony for the anniversary at the 'Gen. C.A. Pietro Giannattasio' military hippodrome in Rome's Tor di Quinto district.
    (see related). (ANSA).

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