
Meloni introduces herself as 'that bitch' to De Luca

Campania Governor called premier 'stronza' in February

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 28 - Premier Giorgia Meloni introduced herself as "that bitch" to Campania Governor Vincenzo De Luca on Tuesday after he called her a 'stronza' (bitch) when talking to reporters in the Lower House in February.

"President De Luca, (I'm) that bitch Meloni. How are you?" Meloni, the leader of the rightwing Brothers of Italy (Fdi) party, said to De Luca of the centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD), before shaking his hand on the sidelines of the inauguration of a sports centre in the town Caivano. "Welcome," De Luca replied."I'm in good health".

A video of the exchange was posted via social media by FdI's party festival of Atreju.

On February 16 Meloni criticised De Luca's leading hundreds of southern mayors in a protest near parliament against the government's controversial 'differentiated autonomy' plans which critics say will worsen the north-south gap.

She said he should spend more time working than leading protests.

De Luca responded by saying "let her work, the bitch".(ANSA).

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