
Cirio says win wasn't forgone conclusion

Rewarded for listening to all says confirmed Piedmont governor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 10 - Newly re-elected centre-right Piedmont Governor Alberto Cirio said after his win Monday that it had not been a forgone conclusion.
    "In Piedmont, confirming an outgoing government is never a foregone conclusion," said Cirio, who beat centre-left Democratic Party (PD) candidate Gianna Pentenero by some 53% to 47%.
    "Just think of those who preceded me, all valuable people such as Mercedes Bresso and Sergio Chiamparino (both PD exponents, ed.), who were elected in their first term but then were not reconfirmed.
    "I think I was rewarded for being a person among the people, for listening to everyone, and for always trying to find the balance between different subjects.
    "I am very satisfied with this result and I am especially satisfied because it is a confirmation". (ANSA).

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