
Meloni's FdI wins almost 29% of vote in European elections

Even more beautiful than two years ago says premier

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 10 - Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party came first in Italy in the European elections with 28.9% of the vote, according to the latest projections after the ballot boxes closed late on Sunday.
    That is even better than the 26% FdI won in the 2022 general election that thrust her to power.
    "It's an even more beautiful night than two years ago," Meloni said in an address early on Monday.
    The opposition centre-left Democratic Party (PD), led by another woman, Elly Schlein, did well too, coming second with 24.5%, according to the projections.
    Schlein hailed the outcome as an "extraordinary result".
    The other main opposition party, the 5-Star Movement (M5S), came a long way back in third with 10.5%.
    Within the ruling centre-right alliance, the projections put Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani's Forza Italia (FI) and Noi Moderati on 9.2%, ahead of Transport Minister Matteo Salvini's League on 8.5%.
    It was the first nationwide vote since the death last year of FI's founder, ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi.
    The Green-Left Alliance (AVS) was on 6.8%, well above the threshold of 4% needed to get MEPs elected.
    But the United States of Europe (SUE) list presented by ex-premier Matteo Renzi and former foreign minister and European Commissioner Emma Bonino was just below the 4% mark, while another centrist group, former industry minister's Carlo Calenda's Azione was also under the entry bar too on 3.2%.
    Azione and Renzi's Italia Viva (IV) party ran together in the 2022 general election as the 'Third Pole' and got over 7% of the vote. (ANSA).

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