
Judge KOs Vannacci appeal on race hate in book

Hearing set for Sep 25, defence says doesn't understand

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 13 - A Rome military judge on Thursday rejected request to dismiss proceedings in which General Roberto Vannacci, who was elected to the European Parliament as an independent for the rightwing League party a few days ago, is under investigation for incitement to racial hatred in reference to what he wrote in his controversial bestseller 'Il mondo al contrario' (The World Upside Down).
    The judge set a hearing for 25 September next.
    The proceedings had been initiated after a number of complaints, including one from the Military Union and the association Triple Defence.
    "At the moment we only know that the preliminary investigations judge has rejected the prosecutor's request, but in the coming days we will ask for the papers.
    "It is a decision that we do not understand because the case in question is not a military offence,' commented lawyer Giorgio Carta, Vannacci's defence counsel.
    Vannacci, 55, was the top vote getter for the League in last weekend's European elections. (ANSA).

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