
Brawl in parliament indecorous scene says Matterella

Avoid rifts in EU top job talks says president

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 19 - Last week's brawl in the Lower House when government party members allegedly attacked an opposition 5-Star Movement (M5S) MP after he tried to wrap an Italian flag on the shoulders of the minister responsible for the controversial regional autonomy bill was an indecorous scene, President Sergio Mattarella said after his meeting in Bucharest with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday.
    "I do not believe that that indecorous scene that everyone saw and condemned played any role in the negotiations over EU top jobs, and I hope it will be a lesson for the participants", said the head of State.
    Mattarella added that the ongoing EU negotiations on the top jobs - the heads of the European Commission, the European Council, and the European Parliament - "must avoid fractures".
    He said this was the case "precisely because Europe faces a series of challenges that must be addressed quickly".
    Mattarella added, on the EP vote which saw a surge for the right, and on the top job talks: "Democratic conscience demands that we always respect the voters' vote.
    "But it is important to remember that there is an inalienable character of the EU born from a pact of peace and democracy and from certain values, which are the rule of law, social cohesion, the dignity of every person and the will for social growth.
    "Whoever is part of it must always have them as a reference".

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