
Declare war on gangmastering says labour minister

We all agree says minister after meeting unions, employers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 21 - Labour Minister Marina Calderone said it was "everybody's aim to declare war on gangmastering' after meeting unions and employers following the death of Satnam Singh, an Indian farm labourer who died in Latina after being abandoned with his arm amputated by a strawberry wrapping machine.
    The death of the Sikh farm hand has spurred outrage at the gangmasters who left him for dead and calls for action to root out the phenomenon, which is rife in Italy, especially in the south of the country.
    "We had a meeting with the representatives of the employers' associations and trade unions of the agricultural world to reason together about what has already been done by the government and what will be done, but first of all to say clearly, distinctly, and without any possibility of misunderstanding, that the aim of everyone is to declare war on gangmastering," Calderone told a press conference.
    Latina, a Mussolini-founded new town south of Rome that is home to thousands of immigrant farm workers, is to hold a day of civic mourning when Singh is buried. (ANSA).

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