
Mattarella will 'take time' to examine autonomy law

It's a complex law says president's office

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 24 - President Sergio Mattarella will take "the right amount of time" to examine government's law introducing 'differentiated autonomy' as it is a "complex measure" his office has said.
    The controversial law, which won final approval on the Lower House on Wednesday, will enable regions to request more power over how the tax revenues collected in their areas are spent.
    Opposition parties say it will worsen Italy's north-south divide as it will favour wealthier regions in the north.
    The Senate and Lower House whips of the opposition 5-Star Movement (M5S) have written to Mattarella asking him to consider using his Constitutional prerogatives to send the law back to parliament for fresh deliberation before promulgating it.
    The M5S, the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and the other opposition groups have said they are going to collect signatures to hold a referendum on abolishing the law. (ANSA).

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