
Schlein to hold press conference on vote Tuesday morning

5-0 for broad field, right can be beaten says Bonaccini

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 24 - Centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein will hold a press conference on the local election results at 11 am Tuesday in the PD HQ in Rome, the party said Monday.
    The PD led a 'broad field' of other leftwing and progressive parties to victory in all five regional capitals where run-offs were held, retaining Florence and Bari while taking back Perugia and also taking Potenza and Campobasso.
    PD Chair Stefano Bonaccini said "5-0 for the Democratic Party and the centre left!...confirmation that a united PD and a broad and plural centre left can really beat the right.
    "Now we'll think about the upcoming regional elections in Umbria and Emilia-Romagna," said the Emilia-Romagna governor, beaten by Schlein in the PD leadership race in March last year.
    "It's an extraordinary success". (ANSA).

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