
We pulled off a miracle in Perugia says Ferdinandi

I knew the city wouldn't give in to hate, arrogance of power

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 24 - The centre left's Vittoria Ferdinandi said "we pulled off a miracle" after the so-called 'broad field' beat the centre right's Marcherita Scoccia to win back the Umbrian capital Monday.
    "We pulled off another miracle but I never had any doubts because I know and deeply feel the soul of this city," she said.
    "I knew that Perugia would not give in to the arrogance of power, to hatred and rage, but would choose the person who for four months has put citizens back in the centre of a politics made up of hope.
    "It's an incredible result.
    "Unfortunately, they (the centre right) have left us with a ragged city because in these months our opponents have done their worst". (ANSA).

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