
Judge grants Toti's request to meet Salvini

Ligurian governor under house arrest in corruption probe

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 16 - A Genoa judge on Tuesday granted a request by Liguria Governor Giovanni Toti, who has been under house arrest since May 7 in relation to a corruption probe, to meet Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini and two members of his regional executive, Giacomo Giampedrone and Marco Scajola.
    The investigation regards alleged bribes in which cash for an election campaign was exchanged for favours, including the extension of a port terminal concession.
    The centre-right politician has said he is innocent and will be able to show his management of the northwestern Italian region was clean.
    Like Toti, logistics businessman Aldo Spinelli - the former chairman of Genoa and Livorno soccer clubs - was put under house arrest, while former Genoa Port Authority President Paolo Signorini was placed under custody in jail. (ANSA).

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