
Landini takes 4 mn signatures for referenda to Cassation

CGIL union collected signatures for 4 referenda on jobs-security

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 19 - Labour union CGIL's secretary general, Maurizio Landini, on Friday drove to Italy's top Cassation Court on one of three lorries containing 1,036 boxes with four million signatures to request four referenda on the labour market and security.
    "Four million signatures of citizens who ask to vote to change laws that are wrong and who want to affirm freedom in the workplace and in life - the freedom not to be occasional (workers), to not be exploited, of not having to die on the job, of having a healthcare system that works", Landini said.
    "Today starts a new phase", the CGIL chief said, saying the organization aimed to bring "25 million people to vote to change this country and to place work, rights and the freedom of people at the center".
    The campaign for the referenda was launched by CGIL on April 25 to promote changes to labour legislation including the reinstatement of workers in the event of unjustified dismissal; to scrap a six-month limit on compensation for dismissal, including in small and medium-seized companies; to clamp down on what CGIL has slammed as a liberalization of short-term contracts and re-establish liability for subcontractors to boost security and prevent accidents on the job. (ANSA).

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