
No risk for Italy's role in Commission - Fitto

Minister 'cares about dossiers' rather than commissioner role

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 19 - European Affairs Minister Raffaele Fitto on Friday said he saw no risk regarding Italy's role in the European Commission after MEPs for Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party voted against European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen getting a second term at the help of the EU executive.
    "I never saw the risk of determining a different approach on Italy's role in the Commission in relation to Parliament's political vote", Fitto said, speaking at an assembly of farmers' association Coldiretti.
    "Italy is a founding country that inevitably has an important role and will inevitably continue to have it within the European Commission in relation to the choices that will then be made".
    Fitto then denied that he will soon be appointed European commissioner, saying that he will instead continue to work on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNNR) as European affairs minister.
    Earlier this week, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti and Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani both backed him to become Italy's member of the new Commission..
    Fitto also did not comment on which position Italy is eyeing.
    "It is a theme that will be considered, I care much more for dossiers and to reach results within our government's action and therefore in our country's interest", he noted.
    . (ANSA).

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