
Reducing debt 'inescapable necessity' says Mattarella

Unfinished EU mustn't be afraid of reforms, president tells TEHA

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 6 - President Sergio Mattarella told The European House Ambrosetti Forum at Cernobbio on Lake Como on Friday that reducing Italy's public debt is an "inescapable necessity".
    "Italy is an honourable debtor," he added.
    "On the debt front it has paid more interest than France and Germany together". Mattarella then spoke about Europe, pointing out that it is "unfinished" and saying that "we must not be afraid of reforms, of looking ahead, of imagining a Europe that is ever more perfected in its architecture and ever more inclusive".
    He then warned of resurfacing desires for a "future that is the result of nostalgia for a past that often reserved tragedies for us". (ANSA).

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