
Prosecutors want to interpret rules says La Russa on Salvini

Judiciary must apply law, not correct rules says Senate chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 15 - Italian prosecutors often want to interpret rules rather than applying the law, Senate Speaker Ignazio La Russa said in criticising a six-year jail term request by a Palermo prosecutor against former interior minister Matteo Salvini for allegedly kidnapping 147 migrants he stopped from landing as part of his controversial closed ports for migrant NGO rescue ships policy five years ago.
    "I have full faith in justice, but I think that often the prosecution, in trials such as this one, lets the argument prevail that they want to entrust the prosecutor with the task of extensive interpretation of the rules," said La Russa, a heavyweight in Premier Giorgia Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, senior partner to Salvini's League in the government which also includes the centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) party.
    La Russa is also the second highest institutional figure in Italy behind President Sergio Mattarella.
    "Justice according to them should interpret the rules and correct them.
    "But it is not up to the judiciary to correct the rules, even when they are wrong: it can only apply the law". (ANSA).

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