
Dead set against new taxes says Tajani

FM says Giorgetti tax call 'misinterpreted'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 4 - Deputy Premier, Foreign Minister and centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) leader said Friday his party was dead set against levying new taxes a day after Economy Minister and rightwing League party heavyweight Giancarlo Giorgetti said the 2025 budget would require sacrifices from everyone and implied that new taxes would be levied on business profits and personal incomes.
    "No new taxes, we are totally against imposing new taxes. There have been some misinterpretations of some words said yesterday" by Minister Giorgetti, but "as long as we are in government there will be no new taxes for Italians", said Tajani, speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the industrial employers group Confindustria assembly in Bari.
    Giorgetti on Thursday said the budget law will imply "sacrifices from everyone".
    Addressing Bloomberg's event Future of Finance Italy, the minister said "we will be approving a budget that will require sacrifices from everyone".
    He added that this means "taxing profits and revenue, and it will be an effort that the entire country must support which means individuals, but also small, medium and large companies".

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