
UNIFIL rules of engagement inadequate - defence chief

Not proportion to the tasks assigned says Portolano

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 13 - Italy's Defence Chief of Staff General Luciano Portolano on Sunday criticised UNIFIL's rules of engagement after the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon came under fire this week from Israeli forces fighting Hezbollah.
    "The mandate issued for UNIFIL is adequate. What is not adequate, and what has often created frustration for me, including with the local population, are the rules of engagement, which are not proportional to the tasks assigned to the force, including the capacity and the need to disarm armed groups in Lebanon, in this case Hezbollah," Portolano told State broadcaster Rai's 'In Mezzora' programme.
    He praised the response of the 1,000-strong Italian contingent to UNIFIL to this week's attacks.
    "The reaction of our soldiers in Lebanon, which I hear about on a daily basis through the contingent commanders, is extremely professional," Portolano said.
    "They are aware of the risks and the rules of engagement and experience some frustration that their operational activities are limited by the presence of Israelis in an area under UN responsibility".
    (see related). (ANSA).

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