
We'll continue while we have citizens' support - Meloni

Working fearlessly says premier ahead of govt's 2nd anniversary

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 21 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Monday that she would keep working to implement the platform her government's was elected on ahead of the second anniversary of it taking power.
    "As long as we have the citizens' support, we will continue to work with determination, heads held high, to realise our programme and help Italy to grow, become strong, credible and respected," Meloni said in a social-media post. .
    "We owe it to the Italians, to those who have chosen us and to those who, despite not having voted for us, hope that we will do our job well.
    "Let us work, relentlessly, without fear". (ANSA).

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