
EU judges tell Meloni career separation hurts independence

Constitution born as reaction to fascism for balance of powers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 23 - An association of European judges on Wednesday wrote to Premier Giorgia Meloni and Justice Minister Carlo Nordio saying their plans to separate the career paths of judges and prosecutors so they can no longer switch between the roles risks undermining the independence of the judiciary, as Italian magistrates have long contended.
    "The European Association of Magistrates once again urges Italy to renounce the announced changes to the Constitution and the legal framework that regulates the judiciary", it said in the letter.
    "A single and common autonomous governing body for judges and public prosecutors offers the possibility of guaranteeing the necessary strong representation of the judiciary within it and, consequently, effective protection against undue influences on its independence.
    "As a reaction to the experience of the fascist regime, the drafters of the 1946 Constitution intended to calibrate the balance between the various powers of the State: this balance and the necessary independence of the judiciary would be compromised and put at risk if the proposed reform were to be adopted".
    The government has denied opposition and magistrates' claims that their Constitutional reform aims to put the judiciary under the control of the executive branch.
    photo: Meloni taking office with the traditional bell two years ago (ANSA).

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